środa, 16 kwietnia 2014

Card 3d

I welcome you very warmly :)
 In our beautiful sun encourages the walk, and not to sit at home: P 
However, I want to invite you to our second challenge of Oddball Art Stamp.Co 
on "Spring - Easter" 
Details can be found here .. 
Feel free to play even more, with the win are 3 fantastic digi stamps! 
I am in my interpretation I have used this digi stamp ...

Witam was bardzo cieplutko :)
U nas piekne slonce zacheca do spaceru, a nie do siedzenia w domu :P 
Ja Was jednak chce zaprosic do naszego drugiego wyzwania z Oddball Art Stamp.Co
na temat "wiosna - wielkanoc"
Szczegoly mozna znalezc tu..
Zapraszam do zabawy tym bardziej, ze do wygrania sa 3 fantastyczne digi stamps!!
Ja w mojej interpretacji uzylam tego digi stempla...

1 komentarz:

  1. so adorable, I just love that 3d effect, it really suits this one, looks especially awesome around her hairline! well done!!! :)


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