poniedziałek, 1 czerwca 2015

Love to scrap challenge :)

Hello all :)
Today on Love to Scrap Challenge blog come out a new challenge...
and you can win fantastic prizes..woow
Fell free to sharing with us all your project not only card :)
I make an mini album with my husband photo, and I put airplain....
What do you think about it? :))

Czesc wszystkim :)
Dzis na blogu Love to Scrap Challenge wyszlo nowe wyzwanie.. meskie :)
i mozecie wygrac naprawde fantastyczne nagrody :) wow :)
Zapraszamy do udzialu ze wszystkimi waszymi projektami, nie tylko kartkami :)
Ja wykonalam maly mini albumik ze zdjeciami mojego meza do ktorego przyczepilam maly samolocik.. :)
Co o nim myslicie? :)

Thank you for attention :) 

8 komentarzy:

  1. Z chęcią zobaczyłabym więcej szczegółów, bo to co widać wygląda fajowo:)

  2. Love it! The airplane and sentiment are great.

  3. This is adorable!! That plane is so cute and the layout is fabulous.

  4. Wow, super cute album page with the airplane Frezja!!! I'm super excited to see what you created with my li'l Airplane digi set. So happy to be one of the sponsors for this challenge. Thank you so much!
    Imagine That! Digis by Kris

  5. Wow, super cute album page with the airplane Frezja!!! I'm super excited to see what you created with my li'l Airplane digi set. So happy to be one of the sponsors for this challenge. Thank you so much!
    Imagine That! Digis by Kris

  6. This is adorable aibum!! That plane is so cute!

  7. This is adorable aibum!! That plane is so cute!

  8. This album is just amazing, Frezja! I LOVE it! Your coloring is amazing, and I love all the details! Wonderful project!


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