niedziela, 6 września 2015

Honey card. Storie di timbri DT

Hello my friends :)
Temperatures in Italy were reduced, so finally we can breathe, yeeeeeeey !
I bounced back from a bad ear infection, and then I'm back !!
But when I failed to scrapbooking....arrr
So, I invite you to partecipate our new challenge on Storie di Timbri, carta e... blog here,
You can win amazing prizes, just use your colour combo prefer... :)
And this is my inspiration:



Bunny zoe's 11.09
marker pop 6.09
craft your passion 15.09
art by miran 17.09
sweet stamps 1.10
the ribbon girl 12.09
scrap dreams.8.09 - inizio di una storia sentimentale :P
paper take weekly challenge 7.09
arte a tutto tondo 30.09

Thank you for attention :)

11 komentarzy:

  1. Gorgeous!! Great gift bag, and wonderful coloring! I love the color pallette! Thank you for joining us over at MarkerPOP! for our Anything Goes Challenge!

  2. Super cute!!! Thank you for joining us at Craft Your Passion, good luck!!! Amy DT

  3. Podziwiam Frezjo... pięknie!!!

  4. Grazie per aver partecipato alla sfida di Scrap Dreams!!!

  5. Thank you for taking part in our art by miran challenge,
    I very much enjoyed looking at your project and all
    the time and detail you put into it, good luck hugs tracy

  6. Ohh bella bella bravissima mi piace molto questo timbro e come lo hai valorizzato complimenti ! Grazie per Aver partecipato al Challenge di Arte a tutto tondo! Baci LittlefrogRanocchia!

  7. Splendida creazione Frezja! Adoro il timbro e l'intero layout!
    Grazie per aver giocato con noi ad Arte a Tutto Tondo!
    Un abbraccio


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