sobota, 27 grudnia 2014

Chameleon Lilla flowers :)

Hello :)
During the break between Christmas and New Year I will show you a card, that I did for Digi scrap.
Here you can see a short interview with me :)
This is my first card witch I colored  Chameleon markers^^ juppiiiii :) This markers are amazing, lol :)
And I use digi stamp by Klaudia Kszp (klik)

Czesc :)
W przerwie miedzyswiatecznej i Nowym Rokiem chce pokazac Wam kartke ktora zrobilam dla Digi scrap.
tutaj mozecie zobaczyc krotki wywiad ze mna :P
To moja pierwsza kartka ktora pokolorowalam markerami Chameleon^^ juppiiiiii :) Te markery sa fantastyczne :) 
I uzylam digi stempelka Klaudii Kszp (klik)

marker color used: 


altair art - zrecyklikowana baza, a nowe markery do kolorowania :)
4 crafty chicks
bee happy scrap
art by mirian
the corrosive challanges by janet

Thank you for your attention, have a greet day :) xx

niedziela, 21 grudnia 2014

green red pendants :)

Hello my friends :)
Thank you that you are  :=)
A quick post today with pendants to gifts :)
green - red - white :)
If you would like to see the tutorial welcome to the Showtime blog here


art piaskownica 12.01
craft fun 27.12

 Have a great evening :)

wtorek, 16 grudnia 2014

Winter pretty tag :)

Hello :)
Happy Saturday everyone. Today I'am sharing new inspirations for Oddball Art Stamps ^^
I use this digi stamp.
 You fell free to partecipe al our challange here :)
You can win great prizes :)

here is my winter tag:

As always I used watercolours pens, but soon I start to use alkohol markers jupiiiiiii :)

I report my tag on the challanges:

Craftowy ogrodek 23.12

Have a great day my friends :)

poniedziałek, 15 grudnia 2014

Ice card

Hi and hello :)
How quickly it's been 6 months since I started my aventure with The Robin's Nest..
This is my latest DT project but since January I will start my second term, :)
I'm so happy to be a board again :)
And here is my ice card:

jak szybko minelo 6 miesiecy odkad zaczelam moja przygode z The Robin's Nest
to moj ostatni projekt w ramach DT
A od stycznia zaczne moja druga kadencje :)
Szczesliwa ja :)
A oto moja lodowa kartka:

Po zrobieniu video odkleilam kwiaty i dokleilam tiul,.. oto efekt:

If you want to see a short videotutorial to how I did this card you can find it here.
I used:

winter words glitter cardstock

I report my card on the challange:
szuflada 15.01
altair art 16.01

Thank you for your attention and wish you a good week

Jesli chcecie zobaczyc krotki tutek jak zrobic te kartke zapraszam tu
Dziekuje za uwage i zycze dobrego tygodnia

piątek, 12 grudnia 2014

Project Secred Santa

Hello :)
Hope you week has gone well :)
I want to invite you today to a fantastic fun..
On the blog Polkadoodles you can find challange 

                "Who would you make a Secret Santa card for and why?"

Now,  you don't necessarily have to make a card or project for this challenge but you could do a short post instead sharing your Secret Santa. Then go over to the challenge blog and leave your linky!

NOW as an added bit of fun, visit each DT blog and have a guess, using the clues, as to whom they may have made their project for .... leave a comment on their blog with your idea and you could be in with the chance of winning a prize of a wonderful Polka Doodles digi image. We will randomly chose 3 DT blogs (names in a hat thing) and then randomly chose a comment from each blog and the winning comments will each receive a Polka Doodles digi image, so three more winners, in addition to the main challenge winner.

This fortnight the Design Team have all become "Secreat Santa's" and we each received a secret message from Santa.  I was tasked by Santa to make a card for .....
for whom? that's you have to guess...

I will give you four clues:

1. My Secret Santa is Englishwoman but does not live in the UK

2. her rule of life :  "Always live life to the full and never have any regrets."

3. She like order, is very precise and has 246 followers on the blog.

4. She bagan to write a blog in 2012 (me too)

And this is my card:

I report these cart on the challange:

Cherry Craft 24.12

poniedziałek, 8 grudnia 2014

Mixed media pink card

Hello :)
Good morning, sorry I haven't been around very much but I've been ill life in general has got in the way of crafting. Anyway I'm here today with my new mixed media card :)
I love pink colour, so pink is the protagonist of my card ^^ 
In the meantime appeared to me a spelling error which hide, ahahah :) Sorry!
A lot of the texture, splash and stamps.. the flowers I did myself woow :)

 I used this map:

 so I report my card to challange:

BE inspired challange - I was inspired by beautiful pink picture.

sobota, 6 grudnia 2014

Lilly silly tag :)

Hello my friends :)
One more time Little Blue Button^^
but this time with Miss Lilly silly..:)
If you like this digi, maybe you will be interested DT CALL here?
I used watercolors in the pensil to coloring.. :)

piątek, 28 listopada 2014

Wedding digi card

Hello :)
I greet you cordially.
Today I'd like to show you the latest digi Little Blue Button Stamps
You can find this digi here
I used Silver classic glitter swirl vellum, from The Robin's Nest, that lends an elegant nature of the card ^^
Do not add a lot of Add-ons to not obscure digi stamp.....
Right? :)
Here is my card:

..and zoom to digi.. :)

The Robin's Nest Blog Hop

Hello :)
Today I have fantastic news :)
The Robin's Nest Blog HOP  ^^
jupiiiiiiiiiii :)
I have to say that: I had a huge adventure of preparing post for today: first photocamera rebellion, later the project burned when I taking pictures.... I'm dangerous ^^

Note: blog hop starts at 20: 30 the time american EST

I made falstart.. :(
If after such adventures I could publish a post in time???!!!! arrrrr!

And here's my  project: 

Here you can see how cool the paper shine in the glow of the candle.....

Each blog will give away ....
Start at the Robin's Nest where the DT has linked their blogs.Make sure to stop by each of the blogs following the links and leave a comment, follow each blog and follow Robin's Nest FBpage.  Robin's Nest is giving away a
chance to win a bottle of The Robin's Nest Christmas Dew DROPS^^

To make my project I used:

How to make my lantern?
just cut the paper, and the circle, Add cut out before Christmas trees, ribon and voila :)

czwartek, 20 listopada 2014

NINE chipboard projects

Hi :)

Today Blog Post to showing nine chipboard projects for DT CALL:
 Let's be good thoughts :)

Brown paint, stamping and glossy accents:

raw chipboard

white gesso:

with printed heart:

and all these are raw :

środa, 19 listopada 2014

Three tag^^

Hi my friends :)
Today I have for you mixed media tag and not one but three!! :)
Everyone is different, everyone has nature and everyone was already the owner :)
What do you think about it?
I use the Robin's Nest cardstock and watercolor pens^^ 
Here we have Mix media peony digi stamp

Witam moi drodzy :)
Dzis mam dla was mixed mediowy tag i to nie jeden ale az trzy!!
Kazdy jest inny, kazdy ma charakter i kazdy znalazl juz wlasciciela :)
Co o nich myslicie?
Uzylam papieru The Robin's Nest i olowkowych akwareli :)
Tutaj mamy digi stempelek  Mix media peony

and second version:
i druga wersja:

Here I used Mixed media holiday girl digi stamp :)

I report my tags to challange:

Szuflada - pierwszy tag zglaszam do bingo: kwiat, braz, sznurek 30.11

poniedziałek, 17 listopada 2014

Red carpet card

Hi and hello :)
How are you? What are you doing creative today?
I prepare a videotutorial which you can find here on The Robin's Nest Blog
I like the red color and I like a lot of flowers, so could not miss them on a card.. :)
Here it is the heroine of the day :)

Czesc i czolem :)
Jak sie macie? Co kreatywnego robiliscie dzisiaj?
Ja przygotowalam  videotutorial ktory mozecie znalezc tutaj na blogu The Robin's Nest
Lubie czerwony kolor i lubie duzo kwiatow, wiec nie moglo ich zabraknac na kartce :)
Oto ona, bohaterka dnia :

Thank you for visiting and I great all :)

Dziekuje wam za odwiedziny i pozdrawiam wszystkich

wtorek, 11 listopada 2014

Exploding box

Hi all :)
I am very happy today and excited about my new project^^
For the first time in my life I did exploding box and I like it :)
woow :)
My trim and score board does not work as it should.. He was born crooked or I do not know how it use.... mah....
Anyway here's my effects heavy fight:
Uzylam fantastycznych papierow The Robin's Nest :)

Czesc wszystkim :)
Jestem szczesliwa dzis i podekscytowana moim nowym projektem^^
Pierwszy raz w zyciu zrobilam exploding box  i mi sie spodobalo!
woow :)
Moja tablica do bigowania i ciecia nie pracuje jednak jak powinna... 
Urodzila sie krzywa albo to ja nie umiem nia obcinac..
Tak czy siak, oto efekty mojej ciezkiej walki:
Uzylam fantastycznych papierow The Robin's Nest :)

I used:

Zglaszam potworaka na wyzwania:

Artimeno 14.11
Rapakivi 30.11 - paleta kolorystyczna :)

niedziela, 2 listopada 2014

Clear stamps launch party+digi release

Hello :)
Today I have for you a very interesting post.. BLOG HOP Little Blu Button Stamps^^!!!
On those special occasions I prepare this tag:
I use Mixed Media Holiday girl.

If you want to win this tag just join my followers and write in a comment about it :)

Dzisiaj mam dla Was bardzo ciekawy post.... BLOG HOP Little Blu Button Stamps^^.
Na te specjalna okazje przygotowalam ten tag
uzywajac Mixed Media Holiday girl

jesli chcecie wygrac ten tag wystarczy dolaczyc do obserwatorow mojego bloga i napisac w komentarzu o tym :)

- We make this blog hop to celebrate our November digital stamps release, which customers can purchase in store
-blog hop dateNovember 2nd- November 3rd
There will be one main winner who will receive $25 for digis in our store and three additional winners who will get two digital stamps from LBBS of his choise.
 All the blog hoppers must visit all the DT blogs and comment under all the hop posts we have, then come back to blog and leave the last comment under post there.
list of DT blogs people have to visit:

- Zabawa z okazji wydania listopadowych digi ktore mozna zakupic w sklepie 
 Bawimy sie od 2giego listopada do 3go listopada :)
 Zwyciezca nagrody glownej otrzyma 25$ na zakupy w naszym sklepie, a trzy inne osoby otrzymaja
   po 2 wybrane przez siebie digi w LBBS sklepie
- Nalezy odwiedzic kazdy z nizej wymienionych blogow i zostawic komentarz 
- Oto spis blogow:

wish you good luck and have fun :)

zycze powodzenia i dobrej zabawy :)

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