sobota, 30 maja 2015

New cover with flowers

Hello my dears :)
New notebooks are never too much, at least for me...
I can do nothing, I love them :) and I don't know how many I have, but just love them and still make new, ahahhah :)
Even today I prepared a new cover of new notebook... so unique and so nice can be a good gift for someone :)
If you want see small tutorial I invite you here, on the Namaste blog

Witam Was moi drodzy :)
Nowych notesow nigdy za wiele, przynajmniej dla mnie :)
Nic na to nie poradze, uwielbiam je. Nie wiem ile ich juz mam, ale po prostu je kocham i ciagle robie nowe... ahahahah :)
Takze dzis przygotowalam nowa okladke dla nowego zeszytu.... unikatowa i mila moze byc fajnym prezentem dla kogos :)
Jesli macie ochote zobaczyc maly tutorial zapraszam tutaj na blog Namaste :)


digi darmowe, wygrzebane w internecie


art by miran *33, 11.06
marker pop  69, 31.05

piątek, 29 maja 2015

Mix media girly with hat

Hi and hello :)
Did you know that today on Little Blu Button Stamps we have new release?
I invite you to watch that beautiful and sweet digi has preparated Olga for you :)
I used one of my favorites - mixed media girl :))

Czesc i czolem :)
Czy wiecie, ze dzis na blogu Little Blu Button Stamps mamy prezentacje nowych digi?
Zapraszam was poogladac jakie piekne i slodkie rzeczy przygotowala dla was Olga :)
Ja uzylam jedna z moich ulubionych mixed media dziewczyne :)



czwartek, 28 maja 2015

Sunny card :)

OMG, today I m so happy!
Just a lucky day, yeeeey :)
I did everything that I planned, without waiting for hourshours in a row.....yeey :)
I want singing, ahahahah :)
So I show you ona card that reflects how's my soul now.... :) at this moment....yey :)

OMG jestem taka szczesliwa dzis!
To szczesliwy dzien bez watpienia.
Udalo mi sie zrobic wszystkie rzeczy jakie zaplanowalam bez stania godzinami w kolejkach....yeey  :)
Az chce mi sie spiewac :)
Wiec pokaze Wam karteczke ktora idealnie odzwierciedla stan mojej duszy w tym momencie :)


come and get it - 29.05  - die cut, sentiment and flowers

Thank you for your attention :)

Sweet Alisia LO

hi all :)
Today I have one Layout lost.... Post with photo tutorial released a few days ago on the blog The Robin's Nest...
I scheduled the post on my blog, but not published when needed so today I'm at the pc and publishing manually... sorry!!

Czesc :)
Dzis mam spozniony i zaginiony layout :)
Kilka dni temu na blogu  The Robin's Nest wyszedl moj krotki foto tutorial ..
Ja zaprogrammowalam post u mnie na blogu, ale sie nie opublikowal wiec dzis nadrabiam :)
i publikuje recznie ^^
Przepraszam :)



poniedziałek, 25 maja 2015

Tilda's card

Hello my crafty friends :)
yes yes yes, I love so many colors: pink, gray, sand color.. brown.. but purple with green is one of my favorite color combo..
Even today I have somthing with this color^^ yeeeey :)
This is my inspiration for Namaste (klik) for new sketch challenge...
You can win fantastic prize!!!! 
yeeeeey :)

Witam moi mili :)
tak tak tak, lubie bardzo duzo kolorow: rozowy, szary, kolor piasku, brazowy.. ale fioletowy w polaczeniu z zielonym jest jednym z moich ulubionych  polaczen :)
Takze dzis mam dla was cos w tych kolorach :) yeey :)
Jest to inspiracja dla Namaste na najnowsze wyzwanie z mapka,
mozecie wygrac fajny bonik :)
yeeeey :)

I use this sketch :



Tilda's Town  29.05
deep ocean challenge blog 31.05 - flowers, doily, sentiment
scrap creations- 31.05

Thank you for attention :) and have a nice day all :)

środa, 20 maja 2015

I love scrap card

Hello my friends :)
I have for you new challenge with fantastic prizes!!
So, "anything goes" on the Love to scrap challenge is interesting for sure :)
Feel free to partecipate numerous :)
And this is my inspiration :

Witam was moi mili :)
Mam dla was nowe wyzwanie z fantastycznymi nagrodami :)
"Wszystko idzie" na Love to scrap challenge jest na pewno  bardzo interesujace :)
Czekamy na wszystkie wasze zgloszenia :)
A oto moja inspiracja:



scrapgang - tusz, stempel(digi, ale zawsze stempel ), kwiat 31.05
Through the craft room 25.05
party time tuesdays
crafty sentiments design 25.05
crafting from the heart 24.05

have a great day all :) <3

sobota, 16 maja 2015

my candy :)

Hello crafty peeps :)

EDIT: lucky number that won is number 1
lucky number one contact me please at
thank you all for participations!!
the random picture I'll start as soon as I get home and I have my computer,because now the phone can't

Today I have for you GIVEAWAY :) full of goodies :)
you can win this scrapbook-candys:

20 cardstocks 6x6 mix
2  rub ons The Robin's Nest  
1 crystal hearts The Robin's Nest  
1 embellishments The Robin's Nest  
1 washi tape
1 ribbon
6 flowers 

For now, maybe I add something more here :)

To partecipate just be my follower and put this banner on your blog :)
and in additional comments write your desire for participation...
Simply, no? :)

Winners will be announced the day 11.06
Internazional people are welcome :)

 Thank for attention and have a great day :) yeeeeeeey

wtorek, 12 maja 2015

A silky tag and chameleon pens ^^

Hello  :)
I'm so excited today :) 
You know very well that I love experiments and just today I will show you one of them...
get ready!!
Chameleon pens on paper are great, but what do you say if we try them on the silk? What comes out?
Here it is, the result:

Czesc :)
Jestem dzis podekscytowana:)
Wiecie ze uwielbiam eksperymenty i wlasnie dzis mam dla was jeden z nich :)
jestescie gotowi?
Chameleon markery na papierze sa swietne, ale co powiecie jesli wyprubujemy je na jedwabiu?
Co wyjdzie z tego?
Oto rezultat moich wypocin: 

More photo and details you can fin here, on Chameleon blog!

Chameleon Color Tones Pens Deluxe Set; Seville Orange OR4, Warm Sunset YO3, Summer Sun YL2, Grass Green GR3, Olive Green OL3, silk gutta square.

Thank you for attention :) 

poniedziałek, 11 maja 2015

My first Tilda card :)

Hi my dears :)
My life lately has been turned upside down,, so totally don't understand nothungmore.. It takes a few days and will definitely take back beat of the day... patienze.. :)
Today comes a new challenge on Namaste blog.. I invite you very warmly to take part, you can win a cool shopping prizes :) More info here
And here is my inspiration for you :) With Tilda this time :) yeeey

Witam moi drodzy :)
Ostatnio moje zycie przewrocilo sie do gory nogami... wiec nic juz nie rozumiem.. Na pewno potrzebuje kilka dni zeby sobie poukladac rytm dnia.. cierpliwosci :)
Dzis wyszlo najnowsze wyzwanie Namaste, zapraszam Was bardzo serdecznie do brania udzialu, mozna wygrac fajny bonik na zakupy :) Wiecej info tutaj :)
A oto i moja inspiracja dla Was z Tilda tym razem :) yeeeey



sobota, 9 maja 2015

The Robin's Nest DT CALL card

Hello my crafty peeps :)
How are you? I hope you are OK all :)
Today I have photo tutorial for DT CALL The Robin's Nest :) 
We make togheter this card :)

so, I cut the base, and 2 cardstock with 2 different sizes:

I have put the quote rebuilt with white cardstock

and now beginning to put the stripes cut embellishments with punch, or cut with Big Shot..

some washi tape, some flower, and voila :)



I'd really like to see your card inspirated from my tutorial :) If you have any please feel free to share with me :)

Thank you for watching, and have a great day :)

poniedziałek, 4 maja 2015

Chocolatcaffe card

Hello :)
Today I have for you a wonderful challenge : stitching, on the blog Love to scrap here
You can win fantastic prizes! What prizes?
I do not say, if you want to know, go to blog to see, ahahahahh :)
And this is my inspiration:


timbroscrapmania 15-05 - I love pink and brown ^^
scribble and scrap 8.05
SLSline 11.05
crafting from heart 9.05
art by mirian 15.05
hobbyland 31.05

Thank you for attention :) 

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