środa, 29 lipca 2015

Mini album Love

Hello cordially :)
I did see the mini album pages in a previous post and today I show you the cover :))
A short tutorial how I did this mini using a recycled box you can find here Kwiat Dolnoslaski
where I am today guest :))
so nice, thanks!! :)

Witam Was serdecznie :) 
Byly stroniki albumikowe, a dzis bedzie okladka :)
Krotki kursik jak zrobic taki mini albumik w pudelku znajdziecie tutaj, na blogu Kwiatu Dolnoslaskiego, gdzie jestem dzis gosciem :))
Dziekuje za goscine, bylo mi bardzo milo :))

I used tear drops by The Robin's Nest


fifi rifi 31.08
kartkowe abc 3.08

niedziela, 26 lipca 2015

Namastowe strony albumikowe

Hello all :)
Today I have another mini album, but this time I'll  show you my mini without cover..
The cover come in the next post, because here and now we talk about namaste cardstock :)
Here you can see my short tutorial how make this flowers in 5 min.. :)

Witam wszystkich :)
Dzis mam jeszcze jeden mini album, ale tym razem pokaze go bez okladki :)
Okladka bedzie w nastepnym poscie poniewaz tu i teraz mowimy o papierze czerpanym namaste :)
Tutaj mozecie zobaczyc krotki tutorial jak zrobic takie kwiatki w 5 min :)

Thank you for yor attention :)
I used  Little Blu Button stamps

Planner page with Flower Fairy :)

Hello :)
I like to shared with you my planner page :)
and Chameleon pens
and here you can see different inspiration by our team :)

Witam :)
Chcialabym sie z wami podzielic dzis strona w moim planerze :)
Uzylam  Flower Fairy
Chameleon pens
A tutaj mozecie zobaczyc inne inspiracje naszego zespoku :)

Thank you for your attention :)

czwartek, 23 lipca 2015

Summer queen card :)

Hi and hellow :)
Today I have for you one card with sweet and cool Little Blu Button Stamps digi with Miss Lilly big crown
I love this girlie :)
I used chameleon pens as always :)

Czesc i czolem :)
Dzis mam dla Was kartke ze slodka i wystrzalowa  Miss Lilly big crown digi ktora niedawno wyszla spod piora  Little Blu Button Stamps 
Uwielbiam ta dziewczynke :)
Do kolorowania uzylam chameleon pens  jak zawsze :)


The Robin's Nest blog hop

Hello :)
I do not know how to and from you but to us it's hot.... does more than hot !!!!!!!
Temperatures run around 40 degrees but on the skin feels more someone because of moisture....
So, best way to freshen up and partecipate in the Christmas in July blog hop!!!!
That cool idea :))

want to start at the beginning

And here is my paper charm gift :)

Simple, small but with great style, ahahaha :)
This great look I got through Red Snowflake cardstock :)

Thanks for watching :)

piątek, 17 lipca 2015

Happy card :)

Hello :)
Today we have last day of our blog hop with Chameleon pens and Stampendous...
Hurry up to partecipate here :)

And here you can find my tutorial on how make this card :))
Always with  Chameleon and Stampendous products :))

Witam :)
Dzis mamy ostatni dzien naszego bloga hop z Chameleon pens i Stampendous..
Spieszcie sie do zabawy tutaj :)

A tutaj mozecie znalezc moj foto kursik na te karteczke wykonana zawsze z produktow Chameleon pens i Stampendous.. :))

Supplies: Chameleon Color Tones Re-Inker Purple Grape and Deep Black, Stampendous Design Beam Dreamweaver StencilFrantage Encrusted Jewels,White Embossing Paste, Canvas and card.


rapakivi - inspirowalam sie kolorami i kwiatami :)

Thank you for your attention :)

piątek, 3 lipca 2015

Tickets holder :)

Hello and hi :)
Did you know that after so many years I went to make a trip to my country of a birth, right? :)
And of course I need something to put together tickets, passport, and all others things.. Then I made a document holder... yeey :) This document holder:

This is my inspiration for you for the Storie di Timbri, Carta e... challenge (clic here)
I invite you to partecipate because we have 2 wonderful stamps for you :)
So you can make all projects with the sea theme :)

Czesc i czolem :)
Wiecie ze po tylu latach mialam pojechac do mojego panstwa w ktorym sie urodzilam?
I oczywiscie potrzebowalam czegos na bilety, paszport i inne dokumenty... Wiec zrobilam sobie taki dokumentownik:
To jest rowniez moja inspiracja dla Was na wyzwanie Storie di Timbri, Carta e..... (klik tutaj)
Zapraszam do wspolnej zabawy poniewaz mamy dla Was dwa cudowne stempelki do wygrania :)
Mozecie zglaszac wszystkie wasze projekty zwiazane z tematem morze :)

I used UHK cardstock :)
Thank you for your attention and have a great day :)

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