środa, 30 września 2015

Touch card

Hello my friends:)
So happy to shared with you today my card for Little Blue Button Stamps :)
Love this girlie!!!!!! so sweet !
If you want to see more inspiration with this fantastic digi, can find it here



Bunny Zoe's 11.10

Owl card

Hi :)
Another post today, this time with new Namaste challenge, 
you can make every project: cover, card, LO.. with our sketch..
More info here
And here is my interpretation:

Czesc :)
Jeszcze jeden spozniony poscik na dzisiaj z trwajacym wyzwaniem  Namaste,
mozecie zrobic dowolny projekt: okladke, kartke, LO.. do naszej mapki,
 serdecznie zapraszam tutaj :

A oto i moja interpretacja:

Calendar 2016

Hi all :)
Today I have for you a short tutorial on: how make flower's staments, yeey! and calendar 2016 where I used my staments..
Can be that taken from the inspiration of the moment we make flowers but lack flower's staments
So check this out: Namaste

Witam :)
Kochani, mam dla Was dzisiaj kalendarz na 2016 rok, 
a wraz z nim szybki kursik na wlasnoreczne robione preciki kwiatowe :) 
Szczegoly mozecie znalezc tutaj, serdecznie zapraszam na blog Namaste :)

niedziela, 6 września 2015

Honey card. Storie di timbri DT

Hello my friends :)
Temperatures in Italy were reduced, so finally we can breathe, yeeeeeeey !
I bounced back from a bad ear infection, and then I'm back !!
But when I failed to scrapbooking....arrr
So, I invite you to partecipate our new challenge on Storie di Timbri, carta e... blog here,
You can win amazing prizes, just use your colour combo prefer... :)
And this is my inspiration:



Bunny zoe's 11.09
marker pop 6.09
craft your passion 15.09
art by miran 17.09
sweet stamps 1.10
the ribbon girl 12.09
scrap dreams.8.09 - inizio di una storia sentimentale :P
paper take weekly challenge 7.09
arte a tutto tondo 30.09

Thank you for attention :)

piątek, 4 września 2015

men's layout, dt The Robin's Nest

Hello my friends :)

I haven't been here in a long time, my blog is full of cobwebs, ahahahah..
So today I want to show you an special layout with photo hidden... only for man... without flowers...
How I make this LO you can find here, on The Robin's Nest blog :)


Thank you for attention :)

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