poniedziałek, 24 października 2016


Hello crafty peeps :)
Today I have for you a tag with little usable in autumn colors:
pink, lilla and bluesky :)
What do you think? 
I love this colors, thay make me smile :)

sobota, 15 października 2016

Freedom canvas

Hello all :)
Today I make a unusual post :)
I don't know if you know, 
but at the beginning of September I met a person particularly gorgeous 
and we scrapp together.. .(Thank you!!! )
Here is the fruit of that evening:

I used PRIMA MARKETING supplies :)

Thank you for your attention and have a great day :)

niedziela, 2 października 2016

Frezja's hause for keys

Hello all :)
Today I want to shared with you my new project....
I don't know thougt, what to call it ..
Hause to put the keys?
More photos you can find here on NAMASTE blog :)
Anyway here it is:

I used:

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