niedziela, 10 września 2017

Pin up bookmark

Hi and hello :)

I really like this time of year.. not too hot, not too cold, sometimes it rains..It's perfect :)
So I was inspired by the colors of trees in southern Italy right with brown..
and when I created this bookmark I thought of mysterious Mata Hari..
Was she a spy or not?
Hope my "girl" is so mysterious as Mata Hari :)

Bookmark is completely flat, because it should be useful, and not deform the book pages..
Really probably this "girl" finishes in my latest junk journal.....
hahahahah :)

This bookmark is my inspiration for the new challenge of Studio Szok (klik)

I used:

chameleon pens

Thank you for your attention :)

wtorek, 5 września 2017

Harvest junk journal page

Ciao everyone 

Hope you're all well and had a great day :)
I create this junk journal page this weekend :)
It's harvest time !!!
In my way, harvest mushrooms time :)


.....what do you think about my new water mark?
maybe I must create somthing more simple....  don't know....


gecko galz  29.09
the color sisters 29-09
use your stuff 10.09
scrapbooking a4 29.09
arte a tutto tondo 29.09
sognando scrap 29.09
lemon shortbread  11.09
cck digital 30.09
lil patch of crafty friends 30.09

thank you for youe attention, and have a grezt day :)

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