środa, 26 grudnia 2018

Calendar 2019

Hi scrapbookers :)
First of all I want to say Merry Christmas,
I hope you are spending beautiful days of celebration with your family and friends ..
And when everyone thinks of eating, drinking, and being together,
I find a moment to prepare a new junk calendar that will accompany me throughout the new year .. 
Obviously, new year is celebrated well with the collection of new paper ... 
Last collection of Scrap card and me that you can find here

I used:

Uzylam/I used:


Thank you for your visit and see you in next year ❤️

poniedziałek, 10 grudnia 2018

Auguri card

Hi crafty peeps :)
We have a new challenge "anything goes" on Scrap and me blog.
You can win fantastic prizes :)
Check here for more details :)
And this is my inspiration ...
No christmas theme this time :))
This card is for my friend Barbara, for her name-day :)

I used:



craft stamper 24.12
crafteezee 31.12

Thank you for your visit :)

niedziela, 2 grudnia 2018

Snow queen pages

Hi my friends :)
It's cold outside, even if the weather is getting warmer ..
Previous year already for a week, if not more, I was wearing a heavier sweater,
this year my sweater is not touched ..
Waiting for the moment, when it come out of the wardrobe, I created these pages ..
On Gecko Galz blog you can find "snow queen" challenge..


lil patch 14.12
dies r us 13.12

Thank you for your visit and support :)

sobota, 1 grudnia 2018

Winter blessings page tutorial

Hi and hello

How are you?
Do you have the time to paste something a bit? 
My free time is decreasing, always, when year is about to end ..
 The days start running too fast,
so I try to prepare everything much sooner ..
Today I have a tutorial for you, as I do my pages ..
This pages:

The first step is obviously to find the space, 
the blank pages where we want to create

Cut out the Gecko Galz digi stamp that we like, and that we want to use..

Glued some paper piece ..

Glued Gecko Galz digital stamps..

Add more embellishments..more and more...and write what we want..

I hope this tutorial was useful, see you soon

piątek, 16 listopada 2018

Happy Christmas pages

Hi crafty people

Actually, I do not know how I should call my pages. 
What are they? 
I do not have a clear definition,
 because they are made as a junk journal, 
but I write my days (diary) my plans (planner), 
I put the photos (smashbook) attack embellishments ..
 So see today's pages and call them as you want 🤣

I used:


czwartek, 15 listopada 2018

Autumn happiness tag

Hi my friends :)

Today I make a thoughtful post ..

Everyone has a bad day, but we must always remember, 
that is a moment that will pass. 
I always look for the positive side of everything, 
this way of doing helps me, comforts and fills me with optimism.
Today we have a wonderful autumn day, Why not be happy?
I feel great, so I created an autumn tag ..

I used Goha digital stamps shoe, that I colored with Chameleon pens
and FaberCastell pencils

Thank you for visit :)

środa, 14 listopada 2018

Vintage Santa December Daily page

Hello all :)
Yes, I did it, really, after so many years, I did it ...
I wrote the letter to Santa Claus :)
I hope it will arrive safe and sound to the destination :)
I felt small again, innocent, full of dreams and curious ..
a truly unique feeling :)

To write my letter I used a digi stamp, which I turned into a postcard..
Now I can not wait to fill my Decembre Daily pages ...

and you?
You already know what he wants from Santa's bag?
hugs <3

I used:

wtorek, 13 listopada 2018

Merry Christmas card with photo tutorial

Ciao crafty friends

Christmas is approaching, almost almost knocks on the door ..
I'm in the production of postcards ...
This year, I'll send it all in time, yeyeyeyey :)
I have a tutorial for you, I hope it will be useful..

I used:

How did I create my tag?

As you already know, I always try to recycle what I can ..

this time I used a box of medicine ..
I cut to size desired..

I attached the background of used stickers..

A piece of box glued to the other side.....

Now all I brushed with white gesso

Some other piece of green scrap I found around ...
 and lace attached with the stapler

It's time to attack die cuts..and pon-pon lace

..Some other details to embellish,
and attack everything on a card basis

The end 😍🤣


artistic inspirations 25.11
christmas with the cuties  18.11
crafting from the heart  18.11
crafty cardmakers 24.11
the cutie pie challenge 1.12
avenue 613 30.11

piątek, 9 listopada 2018

You are your own limit - journal page

Hi all :)

I've been doing a lot of Christmas on my blog lately, so let's change a bit today ...
I do something more autumnal, full of nostalgia and reflection ..
Here, I present my last pages of junk journal,

December Diary with Poinsettia

 Hi crafty peeps

Every month, on the 8th day of month
 we have a new challenge on a blog Scrap and Me (klik)
Today it's the 8th so, I invite you to participate,
 As always we have the fantastic prizes..
And this is my inspiration...December Daily...

I used:




sheepski design 30.11, -15

Thank you for your attention :)

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