środa, 10 stycznia 2018

Keep calm steampunk tag

Hello crafty peeps :)

yes yes yes, we have another challenge on Studio SZOK , and you can find more info here
Please feel free to join us and have fun :))
Looking forward to see your creations :)

and this is my inspiration for you:

I had a lot of fun creating this tag/artjournal page, and 
I discovered my dark side, hahahahahahah :)

Thank you for your patience and see you soon :)

piątek, 5 stycznia 2018

Courtly Love january challenge

Hello my crafty friends :)

I have for you amazing challenge on Gecko Galz blog (clic)

As always you can win fantastic prize and as always I invite you to see the fantastic creations of Gecko Galz team girls :))      

and this is my interpretation :

Thank you for your attention :) see you soon :)

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