sobota, 28 lipca 2018

Card for Scrap and me

Hi how are you?
I hope you are full of energy, like me.
This heat forces me to spend time in my fresh scraproom..
Aprofit then to let you see a card prepared for Scrap and me

I used the brand new collection of paper Little Cuties

Thank you for your visit, and have a great wekeend :)

wtorek, 17 lipca 2018

Dark junk journal pages

Ciaoo :)

Another day, another post :)
This digi, made by Little Blue Button  is perfect for my strange, vampire junk journal page..
So dark, so lovely, misterious and full of mystery..
Are you agree?

As Always thank you for your visit. :)

poniedziałek, 16 lipca 2018

Having a dream - planner page

Hi crafty peeps
Today I have for you my new digi stamp Dt.. 
Goha Stamps :)
and this is my first project for this lovely, polish team..
More info about this digi you can find here

I used Chameleon pens and watercolor pencils..
Have a wonderful day my friend 


piątek, 6 lipca 2018

Splash into summer :)

Hello crafty peeps, how are you?

We have Summer finally, yeyeyeyey :)
I'm so happy, I love sea, hot, ice cream and vacation... :)
So I have for you today summer planner pages :)
More info and beautiful digi stamp free you can find here, on Gecko galz blog :)

Thank you for your time and see you soon :)

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