piątek, 17 lipca 2015

Happy card :)

Hello :)
Today we have last day of our blog hop with Chameleon pens and Stampendous...
Hurry up to partecipate here :)

And here you can find my tutorial on how make this card :))
Always with  Chameleon and Stampendous products :))

Witam :)
Dzis mamy ostatni dzien naszego bloga hop z Chameleon pens i Stampendous..
Spieszcie sie do zabawy tutaj :)

A tutaj mozecie znalezc moj foto kursik na te karteczke wykonana zawsze z produktow Chameleon pens i Stampendous.. :))

Supplies: Chameleon Color Tones Re-Inker Purple Grape and Deep Black, Stampendous Design Beam Dreamweaver StencilFrantage Encrusted Jewels,White Embossing Paste, Canvas and card.


rapakivi - inspirowalam sie kolorami i kwiatami :)

Thank you for your attention :)

6 komentarzy:

  1. Gorgeous card! Love the splash of color and so creative! Thank you for sharing your talent and creative ideas on the hop this week!

  2. Gorgeous card! Love the splash of color and so creative! Thank you for sharing your talent and creative ideas on the hop this week!

  3. Tesoro i tuoi fiori sono sempre incredibili!!! Io sono a bocca aperta li adoro!!!
    Mi piace tutto il colore il tuo stile unico....Sei fantastica

  4. Piękna i delikatna, liliowa plama genialna:)

  5. Ten komentarz został usunięty przez autora.


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