piątek, 3 lipca 2015

Tickets holder :)

Hello and hi :)
Did you know that after so many years I went to make a trip to my country of a birth, right? :)
And of course I need something to put together tickets, passport, and all others things.. Then I made a document holder... yeey :) This document holder:

This is my inspiration for you for the Storie di Timbri, Carta e... challenge (clic here)
I invite you to partecipate because we have 2 wonderful stamps for you :)
So you can make all projects with the sea theme :)

Czesc i czolem :)
Wiecie ze po tylu latach mialam pojechac do mojego panstwa w ktorym sie urodzilam?
I oczywiscie potrzebowalam czegos na bilety, paszport i inne dokumenty... Wiec zrobilam sobie taki dokumentownik:
To jest rowniez moja inspiracja dla Was na wyzwanie Storie di Timbri, Carta e..... (klik tutaj)
Zapraszam do wspolnej zabawy poniewaz mamy dla Was dwa cudowne stempelki do wygrania :)
Mozecie zglaszac wszystkie wasze projekty zwiazane z tematem morze :)

I used UHK cardstock :)
Thank you for your attention and have a great day :)

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